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Apollo 12 Anniversary

November 14 is the anniversary of Apollo 12. It commenced on November 14, 1969. The crew included Charles Conrad Jr., Dick Gordon and Alan Bean. Apollo 12 experienced several mysterious events. -Thirty seconds after launch a lightning bolt hit the Saturn V rocket.-Thirty seconds later, a second bolt hit. All power was lost for three […]

Benevolent vs. Malevolent Extraterrestrials

    When I first started this journey into ufology and in learning about extraterrestrials, I was searching for benevolent beings in the universe. In fact, I have upset certain podcast hosts by even suggesting that these beings exist. There are those that focus only on negative events on Earth involving extraterrestrials (understandably so given […]

A Soviet Space Mystery

In his book, “Strange World,” researcher and author Frank Edwards wrote an article based on true events titled, “First Woman in Space.” According to the account, On February 17, 1961, a large Soviet booster launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (Russian spaceport). According to Edwards, it was believed that the Soviets may have attempted a manned […]

“ETs Among Us”: A Review of Earth’s Galactic History: And Its Extraterrestrial Connection by Constance Victoria Briggs

“ETs Among Us”: A Review of Earth’s Galactic History: And Its Extraterrestrial Connection by Constance Victoria BriggsJanuary 29, 2024 (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2024). ISBN: 978-1-948803-62-5 Over the past several years, through the publication and positive reviews of her Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries and The Moon’s Galactic History, Constance Victoria Briggs has become a leading authority […]

Our Mysterious Moon

  Our Moon is an enigma. There is no other like it in our Solar System. No other moon behaves the way that it does. Throughout history, the Moon has mesmerized and mystified us. The ancients viewed it as a brilliant orb in the sky, there to light their way in the darkness. Some even […]


Hello and welcome to my new blog, Galactic News. My name is Constance Victoria Briggs. I am an author, researcher, and public speaker on galactic history, cosmic mysteries, UFOs, extraterrestrials, strange Moon phenomena, as well as various metaphysical topics. I am the author of six books including, Earth’s Galactic History and Its Extraterrestrial Connection; The […]